Are you new to card payments? - PayBay will help you get started today - PayBay 0860 777 739

New to cards

Accept credit and debit card payments through various channels with a merchant account

Maximise sales and optimise cash flow through your business by accepting card payments in person, online, telephonically or via mail order.

A Paybay merchant account set-up is needed to accept cards and to automatically credit your business account for card payments received. With reasonable set-up costs, as compared to banks, the latest technology is provided with terminals operating via broadband, 3G, LTE and Wi-Fi.  Card payments flow directly into your bank account within 48 hours of processing.

Why choose card payments?

  • Offers customers a credit facility
  • Increased sales with simple, convenient payment methods
  • Guaranteed payments
  • Optimise cash flow with money flowing quicker into the bank
  • Reduced risk and bank costs with less cash receipts

Accept payment with PayBay

Paybay understands the need for efficient cash flow through your business, regardless of size or form, therefore providing simple,
easy-to-manage and safe solutions for receiving payments from your customers.

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